|| Om || Subject:Sunday Children's School of Hindu Mandir (Maple Grove) After a successful first year with 105 students, HATS (Hindu American Temple School) run by the Hindu Society of Minnesota/Hindu Mandir, is soliciting applications for its second academic year (with an increased capacity now). The school brochure, registration and other forms may be downloaded from the following website: http://www.hindumandirmn.org/TempleServices/HinduAmericanTempleS choolHATS.aspx Pages 1-4 are the school brochure and pages 5-7 are the forms. * HATS follows a rigorous graded curriculum meant for children from ages 4-15, in addition to offering free adult classes on the Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads and Yoga/Meditation. * Children's Dharma class (a 12 year curriculum) starts from recognition of Hindu Devis and Devatas and ends in a thorough understanding of the major spiritual, philosophical, ritual and ethical principles of Hinduism and Jainism. Meditation, and shloka/arati chanting are a part of this syllabus. * The school is also offering 6 language classes this year: Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Marathi, Gujarati and Kannada (more may be added if there is interest, e.g. Bengali). * Hindus as well as non-Hindus are both welcome. * Volunteer opportunities for High School students (school grades 10 and up) are also offered. * Tuition includes considerable class material, workbooks etc. In case of any questions (or to get the form electronically), please do not hesitate to write to mumta@comcast.net or vishalsagarwal@yahoo.com We had a long waiting list last year, and expect the same this year too. Sincerely, Mumta Gosain (HATS Admissions Coordinator for 2010-2011)